( 1 и 2 тип слога) Презентация к уроку обобщения правил чтения во 2 классе. Автор: Иванова Людмила Николаевна, учитель английского языка, МБОУ « Тигильская СОШ», с. Тигиль, Камчатский край
Ee UuOo Ii Aa Resources Wovels For fun
A a [ ei ] [ æ ] 1 тип слога 2 тип слога batbat batbat catcat catcat lake cake
Aa Paper, favourite, make, games, take, skate, cake, table, wake, Band, hand, rattle, bamboo, fat, cat, sat, mat, flat, mad, man [ ei ] [ æ ] Brave Jake takes a cake and gives it to a snake.Dad is taking picture of a big rat.
Ee [i: ] [ e] a bee a pencil hehe hehe tennis
Ee He, me, we, be, See, fee, bee, seek, feel, feet, tree, street, green, free, He, me, we, be, See, fee, bee, seek, feel, feet, tree, street, green, free, Pet, net, wet, well, pen, pencil, left, leg, tell, let, end, tent, ten [ i:] [ e ] Three bees in the street sit on the red bed.
Ii [ai] [I] [I] [I] [I] Skip quick! The pig is big. I can ride a bike. Yy
Ii Nine, kite, like, white, drive, my, ride, side, glide, ripe, side, dive Big, pig, bin, in, tin, tip, hit, him, film, six, skin, kiss, mix, picnic [ i:] Nick likes to swim and dive. Yy
[ou] [o] [o] [o] [o] Oo and a frog a dog a rose
Oo Joke, rose, stone, zone, no, tone, home, nose, bone, note, hope, code Top, on, dog, hot, fog, box, fox, stop, sorry, cross, off, clock, mop, [ou] [o] [o] [o] [o] Let`s go home. It`s time to do homework.Dot` has got a hot dog.
Let`s have fun Push here
[ju:] [ ʌ ] [ ʌ ] [ ʌ ] [ ʌ ] Uu a pupil a bus A flute a blue ruler a duck a mug
Uu Tune, tube, glue, mute, cute, pupil, stupid, humid, Cuba, student Hut, mug, mum, nut, bus, jug, gum, plug, fun, funny, luck, buck, cut Cute has got a flute and a blue ruler. A funny fluffy duckling is having lunch. [ ʌ ] [ ʌ ] [ ʌ ] [ ʌ ]
Открытый тип слога Закрытый тип слога A-[ ei ]- (эй)- [ æ ] – (э) E-[ i: ] - (и)[ e ] – (е) I-[ ai ] -(ай)[ i ] – (и) O-[ ou ]- (оу) [ ɔ ] – (о) U-[ ju: ] – (ю) [ ʌ ] – (а) Learn the transcription
Read Name, tree, kite, nose, we, mine, he, rose, wake, blue, she Bat, net, pin, not, but, kitten, and, men, pig, sit, got, nut, still, rat It is a bat and a rat. It`s a tree and a bee. It`s a pen and a pencil. It`s a pupil and a dog. It`s nine and six.
[i] [ei] [ai] [ou] [i:] [ju:] [ æ ] [ ʌ ] [ ɔ ] [e] [ au ] Помоги пчелкам, сесть на цветочки.
blue kite my dig but he can 2 тип слога 1 тип слога Помести цветы в корзинки, прочитав слова
Let`s have fun Push here
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