The Kazah National Medical University of a name of S.Z. Asfendijarova TOPIC:Roots The executor : Jumabaeva.J Acceptance of :Omarova.A
Plan : Roots Anatomic structure of the vessel Anatomic construction of the frist Last anatomic structure.
Roots. The root-one membre of the higher land plants vegetative. Typical radial symmetry of the vessel, he grew up in a relatively cylindrical member. The root can grow right through the ceilling meristems geotropism direction for a long time.The main difference between the classes of the vessel –root and leaf growth and root apical meristems back side thimble closed.
Complexe and simple rinya like birds and psilot, as well as the moss- like real roots. Riniya like a member of the underground, covered with a thick rizois,the construction of the so-called rizois roots the same body. Moss-like veins caused by exogenous rizoids plays,and sfagum moss rizoids.As well as the root of some water plants :stands, that live in higher plants. Often exogenous way,co-head of the mature roots. Head up the roots of a plant root called atpalilar.
VARIETY OF MORPHOLOGICAL Variety of morphological gradation is mainly based on characteristics of their vessels,from, texture, butagtanw faatures and location the space is taken into account.
ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE. Its anatomical structure is not the same throughout the full length of the vessel,its various departments of a single service do not have. Usully young vascular veins 4 area thimbled end (division, growth or stretching, cleaning,etc. )and vascular oymagsasin off. Epiblema -to cover the exterior of the roots of the first roofing ulpa.Epiblema dermatogennen appears and alive, a thin membrane consists of a range of parenchyma cells. Ekzoderma- The outer layer of the shell is emblem parable.
Mesoderm – round the from,large and parenchyma cells exoderma and between endoderma layer. Endoderm - the first inner layer of the shell.It consists of a range of cells located in the center surrounded by the barrel.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Acharya, Deepak ;Anshu,Shrivastava (2008) Indigenous Herbol Medicines Tribal Formulations and Traditional Anderson, Edward F. (2001) The Cactus Family.Pentand, Oregon :Timber Press.