Формирование лексических навыков владения английским языком в специальной (коррекционной) школе III-IV видов.


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Формирование лексических навыков владения английским языком в специальной (коррекционной) школе III-IV видов

Topic Clothes Topic Clothes Методические рекомендации: -использование сюжетных выпуклых картинок; -определение на ощупь значения новых слов; - восприятие на слух; -устное опережение.

Words: а coat а coat а dress а dress а hat а hat а shirt а shirt Shorts Shorts a scarf a scarf a skirt a skirt gloves gloves trousers trousers a T-shirt a T-shirt Expressions: Expressions: to wear clothes to get dressed to put on to take off

Tasks 1. What are you wearing today? 1. What are you wearing today? Describe your clothes. Describe your clothes. 2. What is your friend wearing today? Ask him/her. 2. What is your friend wearing today? Ask him/her. 3. What clothes do we wear in winter/summer/autumn/spring? 3. What clothes do we wear in winter/summer/autumn/spring?

Study the picture by touching it. Study the picture by touching it. What clothes are there?

What clothes are there for the boy and for the girl? What clothes are there for the boy and for the girl?

Fill the gaps with missing words. Fill the gaps with missing words.