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New words: privacy - личная жизнь health and health care - здоровье и медицинская помощь information - информация welfare - социальное обеспечение leisure - отдых и досуг education - образование labour - труд

What kinds of rights do you know? rights citizens politicaleconomica l social cultural

What rights do you know? I have the right to ….. get education live have name (surname) gеt good medical care develop my abilities take part in meetings and demonstrations get information have a rest meet other people

People have not only rights but they have duties duties To defense of the Homeland To get secondary education To protect nature and the environment. To pay taxes To Care for children To care for their non- employable parents.

Read and translate the following sentences: 1.Everyone shall pay lawful taxes and fees. 2.Everyone shall be obliged to preserve nature and the environment. 3.Everyone shall defense of the homeland. Каждый обязан защищать свое Отечество. Каждый обязан платить законно установленные налоги и сборы. Каждый обязан сохранять природу и окружающую среду.

А letter from an English teenager My name is Helen. I am from Great Britain. I am 15. Nowadays people speak a lot about the rights of the child. What is important for us, teenagers? Of course it is school, future education.The choice of the institution depends on the school you study at, on your parents, on the financial conditions of the family. I think that relations with my friends are of great importance for me. I value my family very much. I am sure that I can rely on my parents in any situation. But sometimes they do not understand me. I think young people need pocket money for buying books, pens, ice-cream and other things. Sometimes the problem of fashion and clothes appear. Many teenagers have healthy problems and it is very important to be given good medical care. If we want to be healthy, we must think about environment, industrial development. As for me it is important to have the possibility to express my own opinion. If we have time, we should not forget about entertainment. I like to meet with my friends, go to the cinema, clubs and parties.

Права детей Права детей – это возможности детей, не достигших 18 лет, совершать какие- либо действия самостоятельно или с помощью родителей, направленные на достойное существование и всестороннее их развитие.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child

Зачем была нужна Конвенция? Дети более уязвимы, чем взрослые, к условиям жизни. Дети более подвержены влиянию действий или бездействия правительств. Дети особенно уязвимы к эксплуатации и дурному обращению. Дети не голосуют, не имеют политического и экономического влияния. Слишком часто их голоса не слышны. Именно это служило основанием для разработки документа, направленного на обеспечение прав детей на Земле.

Взгляды ребёнка (статья 12) Детям необходимо давать возможность участвовать в решении всех вопросов, касающихся их жизни, и обеспечивать свободу выражения их мнений. Они имеют право на то, чтобы к их мнению прислушивались и самым серьезным образом принимали его во внимание.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child …..is the first International document on the Rights of the Child ….spells out the basic human rights of children …. includes 54 articles …..was approved by the UN on the 20 th November of 1989 ….was ratified by Russia in 1990

Права, входящие в Конвенцию о правах ребёнка Права на выживание Права на развитие Права на защиту Права на участие

Конституция Российской Федерации – это основной закон нашего государства, который имеет высшую юридическую силу, прямое действие и применяется на всей территории РФ.

Rights of the Child SocialPoliticalCultural

Social rights the right to life The right to privacy The right to protection The right to health and health care The right to take a full and active part in everyday life

Political rights The right to non-discrimination The right to express their views The right to meet other people The right to political protection

Cultural rights The right to information The right to leisure The right to education and development The right to meet other people

Match the explanation with the article of the Convention Children have the right to life (Article 6) Children have the right to privacy (Article 16) Children have the right to information (Article 17) Children have the right to education (Articles 28, 29) Children have the right to leisure (Article 31) Children have the right to protection (Article 19) Children have the right to health and health care (Article 24) The Government must give children good medical care. (Article … ) Every child can go to school. Different kinds of school should be available for children. (Article … ) Children can get information, especially which would make their life better. (Article … ) Every child should have a chance to rest and play. (Article … ) Nobody can open childrens letters and listen to their phone calls. (Article … ) The Government must protect children from harm, cruelty, dangerous drugs (Article … )

«Связь повседневной жизни с правами человека». Что я делал?Как это связано с правами человека? (Какие были реализованы, какие были нарушены) Ходил в школу… В своей комнате читал книгу … Ходил в магазин купить мороженое … Ночью спалРеализовывал право на отдых и здоровье

Answer the question What rights do you have in different ages? 12 To choose your name To choose a mother or a father with whom you want to live 14 To choose the place where you want to live To earn money To work only four hours a day To ride moto and bike 18 To leave school To get married To drive a car To work full-time

Look through the sentences and write true false You can choose your name at14. You can get married at 17.. You can leave school at 17. You can work full-time at 17. You can drive a car at 18. You can choose your name at 12. You can earn money at 14. You can ride motto and bike at 12.