Презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме: Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме "Телевидение - за и против"


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Television: bad or good ?. TV plays a great role in the life of a modern man.

1. What is your favorite type of television programs? Although that I cant say that I watch TV very often, its sometimes hard for me to resist watching.
Mass Media Mass Media. Internet I would like to tell you about advantages or disadvantages of Internet. The Internet – a way to communicate with your.
Crossword a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer ( s). a paper printed and sold usually daily.
1. How much free time do you have? Unfortunately, I dont have much free time. I usually have quite a lot of homework and try to do it well, so it takes.
Made by Bokova Masha Form 8 «V». The press The radio Television.
Mass media in Great Britain The Press The British press P Press is very important for people in the UK since they read a lot. It is a so-called tradition.
WHAT IS PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING?. Public Service Broadcasting (PSB)is broadcasting made, financed and controlled by the public, for the public. It.
The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspaper, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful.
TV or not TV? 11 A. Today is topic is TV violence. Millions of people in their spare time watch TV. Everybody can find there something interesting for.
Project made by Pilunts German. There are a lot of ways to learn the world such as TV, radio,magazines,newspapers and others like that. But it seems to.
Describe a movie which made a strong impression on you. You should say: which movie it was – the name what the movie was about who the main stars were.
Is Television a Blessing or a Curse and a Time Waster?
1930 to to to to to to to 1999 No data.
How does media affect our lives? Elizaveta Michsherina 9 B.
Мозговенко Ольга Петровна учитель английского языка ГБОУ ЦО 1828 «Сабурово» Г. Москва.
People speak English all over the world. Choose the reasons for learning English English is necessary for communication with people when you are abroad.
1. Do you like to travel? Yes, traveling is so wonderful I think. New places, foreign countries, unknown people, mysterious traditions. Its so thrilling.
Что Вы знаете о кино? What do you know about cinema? Prezentacii.com.
Television is the most popular entertainment in British home life today.

Фаузетдинова Эльвира Фаилевна учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ 87


Television: for and against

Broadcasting Corporation

Which programmers are useful for children? Which programmers are harmful for children?

source - источник affairs - дела escape - избегать commercials - реклама leisure - досуг variety - разнообразие advertising - реклама addict - наркоман often - часто unnecessary - ненужно quality - качество entertaining - развлекательный violence - насилие waste – трата current - течение serial - серия, цикл amount - количество

TRUE or FALSE Television is a wonderful source of information and one of the best ways to spend free time. Everything shown on TV is made in good taste. Some people like watching advertising. TV gives you an opportunity to travel all over the world, to see different people and to learn about their customs and traditions.

Protectors Opponents Television: for and against.

FOR or AGAINST Television is a wonderful source of information and one of the best ways to spend free time.. Television may be the cause of many conflicts in the family.. It takes time away from activities such as reading, conversation, sports and games. TV gives you an opportunity to travel all over the world, to see different people and to learn about their customs and traditions.


Its interesting to know 1929 The 1 st electronic television system was demonstrated The 1 st TV programmers was transmitted on the BBC Colour television began in the USA The first television satelitte was launched by an American company The 1 st colour television pictures were shown 1984 The 1 st hand-held televisions appeared 1992 High-definition television appeared